Focus article for June 2012

News from the Lions Den...

We have now reserved our spot at St Mary’s carnival in July and are busy making plans and preparations for our stall. This year we have decided that we want to raise funds to support a local cause again. We have decided that we want to provide a service aimed at keeping our local primary school children safe when they are out and about – on their bikes, walking to and from school etc. As such, the club has pledged to raise enough funds over the next couple of months to purchase a high visibility waistcoat for every primary school child in our villages. We have been speaking with the schools to ascertain the number of children this covers and realise this is no small task, however, our aim is to have these items in the schools by the time the children return after the summer vacation!

With that in mind, please come and see us at the carnival to find out how you can help and what other projects we are currently working on. Remember that every penny donated to Lions gets used to support our causes – we do not draw any administration charges from the club.

As always, we continue to look for new members. We will be out and about much more over the summer months so please do come over and say hello and find out a little more about your Lions club, how it can help your community and how you can get involved.

In one of our earliest articles we wrote about the Lions message in a Bottle campaign. You may recall that his scheme is free to the user. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can fall downstairs, so this scheme can benefit anyone, including you. As a minimum it will save the Emergency Services valuable time identifying you and your emergency contacts. By telling whether you have special medication or allergies or not, it is a potential lifesaver and provides peace of mind to users and their friends and families. We have secured a large batch of these bottles recently and are hoping to make them available within the community at places like the pharmacy. For more information, please do contact us by emailing – if these little bottles make a difference to just one person we will have done something good for our community.

Tickets for Foulness Island are proving very popular so please do let us know if you are hoping to join the trip on 9th June as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

We are really looking forward to all of our events over the summer months and hope you will be able to share some of the enjoyment with us.

Ordinary people doing amazing things