Focus article for October 2012

News from the Lions Den...

Summer may have been a disappointment for many of us on the weather front but we Lions have been out and about enjoying ourselves never the less.

Our "free delivery" fish and chip trial has been a resounding success and after just two months, we made the decision to make this a regular part of our community service program. We are delighted with the number of residents who already take part in this but we are still willing and able to deliver to more people. We must say a sincere thank you to the anonymous gentleman who donated £20.00 to Lions after reading about this service. We must stress this is community service and that the club do not make money from this, however, all donations are used towards supporting local causes. Our next delivery will be taking place on Friday 26th October. Your orders need to be placed with me by Wednesday 24th. Please leave a message on the answer phone if no-one is in.

Helping to keep our young people safe

As you will recall, the funds raised by the Lions at the Edlesborough carnival were used to purchase high visability waistcoats for our primary school children. At the time of writing this, our first order has been placed and we are eagerly awaiting the delivery. We plan to distribute the first batch to the Eaton Bray Academy towards the end of September before the dark mornings are back with us.

Ordinary people doing amazing things